An attempt to subvert social media and stay in touch with those around me. Remember when Instagram was for sharing photos?
ƒ/1.7 | 1/30 | ISO 1600
Unfiled Records
This is a photo of two friends of mine, Allenheimer (L) and Good Moon Deer (R). They are the label heads of Unfiled Records and produce some spectacular records. This was the first shot I took this evening and hadn’t settled into the camera yet. Somehow, the slow shutter produced a super crisp photograph. The Q is pretty amazing in low-light, but I was shocked at how sharp this one was. Usually I find that the grain at 1600 is really nice, without having too much problems in the editing phase. This photo is almost entirely untouched aside from a slight adjustment to the contrast curve. Nothing done to the blacks, which shows how nice the sensor is at that ISO.