An attempt to subvert social media and stay in touch with those around me. Remember when Instagram was for sharing photos?  

photo of the day Owen Fiene photo of the day Owen Fiene


ƒ/1.7 | 1/60 | ISO1600

Loved the street lights shimmer on this Xing sign. Also happens to be where I was hit by a Land Cruiser while crossing the street back in October (no damage). Driving is a luxury that we need to take away from most people. It’s absolutely not a right.

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photo of the day Owen Fiene photo of the day Owen Fiene


RAX day-3.jpg

ƒ/4.5 | 1/60 | ISO 400


Reykjavík presents so many opportunity for moments like this one. Alleys painted bright colors are on every block and all it takes is walking with a friend to find a good photo op. I blew out the background a bit in hopes of getting the subject to be perfectly exposed, but it ended up being slightly under and that still works for me. The yellow came through really well, which is a testament to how amazing the sensor on the Leica Q is. Yellow is not a color that does well in the digital world as any printer will tell you.

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