An attempt to subvert social media and stay in touch with those around me. Remember when Instagram was for sharing photos?  

photo of the day Owen Fiene photo of the day Owen Fiene


ƒ/1.7 | 1/800 | ISO100


Snapped this on a regional flight from Reykjavík to Seyðisfjörður. The city is quite something to view from above.

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photo of the day Owen Fiene photo of the day Owen Fiene


ƒ/6.3 | 1/250 | ISO400


We’ve been having a lot of earthquakes again, so in turn, I have been thinking about landscape more. This is from a spot on southern part of Iceland, pretty close to the largest cluster of summer homes in the country. It’s a volcanic crater that is around 3000 years old. The photograph I took is directly inspired by an old photo of one of my wife’s relatives at the same place many years ago.

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photo of the day Owen Fiene photo of the day Owen Fiene


ƒ/3.5 | 1/60 | ISO400


Today I’m 37 years old. I took this back in the beginning of the year, but it represents me today pretty well. Looking forward to another year!

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photo of the day Owen Fiene photo of the day Owen Fiene


ƒ/8 | 1/160 | ISO100


When the winter sun is blazing, it is a special thing here in Iceland. This photo was taken in March, so it’s not exactly the super low, all-day, sunrise/sunset sun, but more like a low summer sun. It makes for some great portrait light, as you can see here.

This post of Kara also comes on our 9th wedding anniversary. There could be no better partner on this planet than Kara. She shares the world that we inhabit better than anyone I could dream of. I love you Kara!

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photo of the day Owen Fiene photo of the day Owen Fiene


ƒ/1.8 | 1/60 | ISO80

The best camera is the one in your hand. It is rare that I would share an iPhone photo here, but this one was too good not to as I was busy on set and didn’t have my camera around my neck like I normally do. As such, I poached this moment of the translator relaxing while the team was being photographed on the massive LED screen stage built for the League of Legends World Championships.

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