An attempt to subvert social media and stay in touch with those around me. Remember when Instagram was for sharing photos?
ƒ/5.6 | 1/160 | ISO400
Happy New Year to everyone except those who work in Alþingi. Do a better job of representing everyone, not just the wealthy. As an immigrant that is forced to pay attention because of your incompetence, I am privileged enough to understand just how bad you are at your job. Do better for those who don’t have the privilege to know how you are failing them.
ƒ/ 5.6 | 1/60 | ISO400
They call it progress, but I don’t feel like things are any different.
The problem with the world today is that we come up with solutions to major problems allaying the bottom line, instead of resolving the actual problem. The car on the right is still a major obstacle to creating a world in which we are not actively destroying the planet. The real solution is not having a car in every fucking driveway.
Photographs to Remember.
As a Photographer I am taking photographs as much for the ability to look at them two hours later, three days later, four years later or fifty years later. The point is, as it has always been the base objective of photography: to freeze a moment in time. Thus, the viewer is meant to look deeper — scrolling past belies the entire concept of my work. Consume it. Inhale, exhale. Scan the photograph from left to right, up to down and back again. Inhale, exhale. Draw it into your memory. Now you understand my work.