An attempt to subvert social media and stay in touch with those around me. Remember when Instagram was for sharing photos?  

photo of the day Owen Fiene photo of the day Owen Fiene


ƒ/1.7 | 1/60 | ISO1600

Salzburg in the Fall.

Right after my last post here, things got considerably busy in my life.

There was:

  • A Listaháskóli portrait project

  • an art festival

  • a wedding

  • a month in Berlin

  • another wedding

  • a French movie

  • a dance festival

  • a trip to Salzburg

  • a month in the US

  • working on an HBO drama.

It’s been as hectic as can be. I’ve gained so much over the last year, I don’t even know where to start. The above photograph comes from our trip to Salzburg, which was a pivotal moment in my life as of late. I bought a new camera and took some amazing photographs. This one was taken with my old camera and proves that I am now spoilt for choice when it comes to getting the correct moment. The compact, concealed nature of the Q makes a night shot like this super easy to pull off. You never feel exposed with that camera and its capabilities are beyond reproach. Not bad for a camera that is round about a decade old.

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photo of the day Owen Fiene photo of the day Owen Fiene


ƒ/1.7 | 1/250 | ISO100

When you realise the grass never stops growing.

Sat at dinner after a long day on set, still needing to get my truck into the security of a garage, what with all the merchandise in need of a secure space in a town of less than 1000 people, I looked at my health app and saw that I hadn’t yet reached 10k steps for the day. So, I got up from dinner, went to the garage and then walked to the beach with my camera. The resulting sight is what I present here, a black sand and blue cloud moment around 22:15. Ended my day with about 6 new snaps and 13k steps.

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photo of the day Owen Fiene photo of the day Owen Fiene


ƒ/5.6 | 1/320 | ISO100

Now that I’ve completed sharing a roll of portraits, I’ll follow it up with…another portrait. But this one is special to me, it’s easily one of the most amazing photos that I’ve taken in a while. Sometimes things just come together like so and make it special. The lighting here is really crazy as it looks as though Maggie is on a stage with the background added in later in post. I’m super proud of this one (and the photograph ;) too).

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